We meet online via zoom every second week
All members are more than welcome to invite a guest.
VBC Creator and Host - Paul Murphy
Paul returned to Cork in 1997 taking up his long standing Financial role with Avis and also his self employment
He completed a training qualification in 2014. During his 17 years with Johnson and Perrott Motor Group / Avis he worked among many specialised areas extensively in areas of staff development, leadership and training throughout the organisation/ Avis network and this is where he acquired his interest for training and of course networking.
Paul delivers specialised customised training across Finance and soft skills and lectures regularly for the Accounting Institutes.
Paul set up VBC just before Covid and is excited at how it has developed over the years having a super group of highly experienced professionals as part of his thriving VBC group.
The event on May 28th next will be a highlight for the VBC group in its entirety and we welcome all
Connect with us today and start building valuable business relationships and partnerships.
Email: paul.pcmconsulting@gmail.com
Tel: 086-8532152